Nickel, Copper, Gold, Cobalt, Platinum and palladium are key to a low carbon future



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The global clean energy transitions will have far-reaching consequences for mineral demand over the next 20 years. By 2040 total mineral demand from clean energy technologies double in the STEPS (Stated Policies Scenario) and quadruple in the SDS (Sustainable Development Scenario).
The shift towards lower cobalt chemistries for batteries helps to limit growth in cobalt, displaced by growth in nickel.


Global nickel demand is forecast to grow considerably in 2030 and 2040 compared to 2020 in both the Sustainable Development Scenario and the Stated Policies Scenario.
For electric vehicles and storage, nickel demand is forecast to increase from 81 metric tons worldwide in 2020, to 987 metric tons in 2040 based on the Stated Policies Scenario, and 3,352 metric tons based on the Sustainable Development Scenario in the same year.


The global clean energy transitions will have far-reaching consequences for mineral demand over the next 20 years. By 2040 total mineral demand from clean energy technologies double in the STEPS (Stated Policies Scenario) and quadruple in the SDS (Sustainable Development Scenario).
The shift towards lower cobalt chemistries for batteries helps to limit growth in cobalt, displaced by growth in nickel.


Global nickel demand is forecast to grow considerably in 2030 and 2040 compared to 2020 in both the Sustainable Development Scenario and the Stated Policies Scenario.
For electric vehicles and storage, nickel demand is forecast to increase from 81 metric tons worldwide in 2020, to 987 metric tons in 2040 based on the Stated Policies Scenario, and 3,352 metric tons based on the Sustainable Development Scenario in the same year.

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Unit 2, Loapi House, Gaborone, Botswana

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+91 9810186584